Saving your event product: Transform your physical events into a digital experience

Helping event planners and marketers adjust during the lockdown




10 – 11.30am (GMT+8)


90 mins


19 USD

Webinar Details:

Most countries in Southeast Asia have imposed strict measures against large gatherings and meetings during this time of social distancing. Even those that haven’t mandated official measures are seeing huge declines in physical events as people and businesses elect to take their own safety precautions. 

This has dealt a devastating blow to the event marketing and event production industry, as organisers scramble to figure out how to remain viable when the hard reality is face-to-face events are not viable for the foreseeable future.

The only silver lining for event organisers is that for those who never ventured into the real of virtual and digital based events now have no choice but to figure it out.

That’s what this one hour, highly practical webinar is for, serving as your crash course into the dos and don’ts of transitioning your physical event to the digital arena. If your business model relies heavily on revenue from physical events, this is one session you don’t want to miss.

Bundle Promo F: Customer Experience for only 29 USD

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Saving your event product: Transform your physical events into a digital experience

Helping event planners and marketers adjust during the lockdown


Recreating an offline experience online: What are some of the key consideration

It isn’t a copy paste strategy. Here’s what you need to know.

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Highlights Include:


Building and scaling webinar programs

Learn the important considerations and prep points you need for running a successful webinar and maximising experience and engagement


Can I really create digital trade shows and conferences online? Why not!

Discover what leading brands are already doing in the virtual space, and how they are leveraging digital platforms to engage with thousands of virtual attendees simultaneously. You will also learn the principles of creating hybrid physical/virtual experiences


Turn your virtual touch points into insights and data

One of the biggest upsides to converting to digital events is the improved capacity to track and understand user behaviour. Lean optimal engagement strategies to generate high quality leads and drive more interest into your pipeline
